Dayus Admin replied

534 weeks ago

For a "minor" patch they actually added quite a bit. The most pertinent thing to us is that apparently having a SCH and a SMN in your party incorrectly decreased the LB build rate as if they were the same job before…and now it's fixed.

As a personal side note, the Focus Target fix will make MTing Garuda Ex less of a nightmare, and for that I am thankful.

Dayus Admin replied

534 weeks ago

In other news, apparently Turn 2 enrage strategy got ninja nerfed (aka the actual enrage mechanic got buffed) and Turn 5 got ninja nerfed and in a way, buffed to encourage more "traditional" party setups like ours. More specifically, respectively, conflags and snakes got their HP nerfed and on the flip side, now if MT runs into conflag, Twin switches to the person with the next highest threat. So a nerf to solo tank methods where the tank never had to take a death sentence if they timed the P1 > P2 switch correctly. Really this is good news for us since we were mainly having DPS issues but the trade off is it's gonna be harder on the healers.
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